Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Inspiration

I know, I know - I've been a very slack little blogger.

But, this is why:

I think he's a pretty gorgeous reason to be absent! We are all doing really well and having a great time.

I have so many potential posts going round in my head that I hope to share with you soon. Until then though, I want to wish you a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of love and laughter.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

It's a BOY!

My gorgeous little boy, D, arrived on 18 March 2006 weighing 3.6kg (8lb). As you can imagine, we have been on a steep learning curve ever since! I'm just starting to feel like I'm getting a handle on things, so hopefully I will be able to start posting more regularly again soon. Until then Inspire Create will stay quiet - but I just wanted to let you know that I have had the baby and that we are both very well.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

We made it!

Phew - made it to New Zealand! It took nearly 2 weeks from when we left our house in Australia until we finally made it to our house in NZ. We wanted to attend a friend's wedding and then visit with friends and family on our way, which was lovely but made it such a long move.

The past month has been exhausting and very emotional. Even though we had removalists taking care of most of our stuff, there was still so much we had to sort through and either give away, sell, throw out or pack. Then there was the cleaning after all the furniture was gone! Thank goodness for my dear hubby N - as he wasn't working he took care of most things and did all the cleaning. Also, I was still working 30hrs per week right up till we left - when work found out I was moving away they had a little panic attack and asked me to do as many hours as I could! The extra money has been handy, but I worked too much and got a bit too run down.

All the goodbyes were such hard work - being 8 months pregnant made me emotional enough, then add having to say goodbye to all my family and friends - you can picture the mess I've been! 2 weeks of daily tears was exhausting. I agreed to the move and I know this is such a good thing for us, but the reality of saying goodbye was so much harder than I ever imagined (and believe me I expected it to be tough!).

So now we are in a beautiful big house that came with the job - we are rattling around in it though as our furniture doesn't arrive for another 2 weeks. We have a table, 4 chairs, a lounge and a bed - and that's it! I can't wait to get all our stuff in as I think it is going to really suit the house and that we will be able to make it very homely.

Anyway - just wanted to check in and let you know how I'm doing - I'll write more soon.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Does life ever slow down??

A silly question I know, because it only gets busier - but a girl can dream can't she?

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year filled with good company, good food and lots of laughs. I had a lovely time in NZ - hectic, but spent with family and friends in beautiful locations.

As we flew home from NZ, my dear hubby N and I joked about how we hoped that would be the last flight we would be on for a long time. We travelled so much in 2005 that we would both be happy not to see the inside of an airport again for awhile. Guess what - 4 days later we were on a plane again! N had a job interview in Adelaide so we decided to make it a long weekend and visit friends who moved there a year ago.

Then, a couple of days after our return from Adelaide N was offered a job in NZ - so guess what - we'll be flying again in the next month! It's all very overwhelming as we have to be there before the baby arrives which is only 8 weeks away. So in about the next 4 weeks we have to pack up our life in Australia and relocate to NZ. Just thinking about everything that has to be done makes my head hurt! But it is such a fantastic opportunity for us that we'd be mad not to do it. It's a really good job working for a successful, respected wine company in a beautiful part of the world.

So things will be quiet around Inspire Create for a bit longer while I organise removalists, pack up the house, sell both our cars, organise to transport our 2 dogs to NZ (and deal with quarantine, etc), fly to NZ, set up a new house, find a midwife/hospital, have a baby (!!), and support N as he starts a challenging new job during the busiest time of year for winemakers! Phew - never a dull moment! I'll try to post status reports and share anything inspirational I come across, but please be patient with me.

I think the next few months are going to be the most exciting and stressful of my life - wish me luck! Hopefully by the middle of the year I will look back and be amazed at what we achieved and be enjoying the fruits of all this hard work with a happy husband who is satisfied in his work and a beautiful baby to love. And I'll just go to the hairdresser to deal with the extra grey hairs I'm sure to acquire!