Friday, June 15, 2007

Created this week #1

I am very proud of myself this week as I have achieved alot! It's amazing how now that I'm a mum, some days can go by and I feel like I've achieved nothing.. because I'm a stay-at-home-mum I have a sense of obligation that I should be creating something/generating an output/contributing in some way... But this is just silly talk because I am achieving huge amounts - we have a happy, healthy, fun little boy. Anyway.. I want to share with you what I have done this week (of course besides vacuum, dust, wash, shop, clean, cook, run errands, attend swimming lessons, etc, etc, etc!!)

Tomato Relish

We eat tomato relish like there is no tomorrow and I am sick of paying $6 for a tiny jar, so I have started making my own. I just love this shot - the juicy, succulent tomatoes all ready to be transformed into jars and jars of yumminess!

Picasso Inspired Portrait ATCs

Now, if you don't know what an Artist Trading Card (ATC) is it's high time you found out - visit for all the info. Beware though...they are highly addictive and could quite possibly take over your life. I am showing great will power at the moment and only taking part in one swap at a time. Here are my practice and final cards for the "Picasso Inpsired Portrait" swap.

Chibi ATCs

Yep..more ATCs, this time the theme is "chibi" which is a Japanese term for "super deformed". They are cartoon like characters that I think are super cute! Do a Google search for more info.

Butterfly ATC

This one is for an ongoing swap I have with my Mum - hope she likes it!


Some works in progress.. a rose quartz necklace and a pearl bracelet.

What do you think?? Not a bad effort for one week!!